Madeira Safe to Discover: App for travelers on pandemic times

The new Madeira Safe to Discover App is now available! This app allows its users (travelers) to earn free experiences by offering tickets to local attractions in both Madeira and Porto Santo islands. All they have to do is to comply with the security measures stipulated by the regional health authorities, and, for example, submitting their COVID-19 PCR tests will give them extra points. At the same time, travelers are helping to systematize travel and health procedures information in one platform.

Prof. Nuno J. Nunes is leading the research team responsible for the design of the app’s structure from Técnico/Interactive Technologies Institute (ITI / LARSyS) as part of the project Maré – Anonymous Mobilization of Return to normality to mitigate the covid-19 epidemic,” funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), under the 2nd call of “RESEARCH 4 COVID-19”.

The main objective of this project is to develop a platform to digitally track people that can be later used to respond to problems caused by the pandemic, not depriving the citizens’ right to anonymity.

As an alternative to tracking contacts in a pandemic context, this app focuses on citizens and a way to help them to go back to normal after the first state of emergency since the pandemic started.

As Professor Nuno explained, in an interview for Técnico, “we want our project to be an open and available experimentation platform for civil and scientific communities, not only in the context of COVID-19” meaning that it can be later on adopted by other communities and for different purposes.


Users can earn the highest number of points by submitting this Covid-19 PCR Test/Certificate and be entitled to a Silver experience. Points are earned as follows:

– Register on the Madeira Safe to Discover App – 5 points;
– Fill out the epidemiological survey before or at you arrival – 5 points;
– Submit a Covid-19 PCR Test/Certificate which has been done prior to your arrival – 30 points;
– Activate permission for push notifications – 5 points;
– Share the app on your social networks – 5 points;
– Use the app daily – 1 point per day;
– Confirm your health status daily by clicking on the “How I feel” tab – 1 point for each survey (with a maximum of 2 points per day).

The project aims to highlight Madeira and Porto Santo as safe holiday destinations, also seeking to boost the activity of local tourism and entertainment agents, as well as promoting a set of diverse experiences aimed at various target groups.

The app is an extension of the project that has already controlled 300,000 people at Madeira’s airports and ports.