Talk by José Abdelnour-Nocera (ITI/LARSyS)

On November 22, ITI affiliated researcher Prof. José Abdelnour-Nocera will be in Madeira and will be giving a talk on “Automation, User Experiences and Ethics” at 2 pm, on -2 floor of Tecnopolo. This is an open and free talk.



There are a number of ethical considerations when choosing how and what to automate about work from a designer’s perspective. These have to do with workers’ and organizations’ abilities to understand and experience the rationale for automating. In my short statement, I will present these issues through examples and ongoing case studies in a UK airport and an Indian fishing village.


José is an affiliate Associate Professor at ITI/LARSyS, and Associate Professor in Sociotechnical Design, Head of the Sociotechnical Centre for Innovation and User Experience at the University of West London. He is the current Chair for IFIP TC 13.8 working group in Interaction Design for International Development as well as Chair for the British Computer Society Sociotechnical Specialist Group. His interests lie in the sociotechnical and cultural aspects of systems design, development and use. In pursuing these interests, he has been involved as researcher and consultant in several projects in the UK and overseas in the domains of mHealth, e-learning, social development, e-commerce, e-governance and enterprise resource planning systems. Dr. Abdelnour-Nocera gained an MSc in Social Psychology from Simon Bolivar University, Venezuela and a PhD in Computing from The Open University, UK.