Arminda Guerra

Arminda Guerra Lopes has been a professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, Portugal, for twenty-five years. Arminda holds a PhD in Human-Computer Interaction from Leeds Metropolitan University in the U.K. She is a research fellow at Interactive Technologies Institute (ITI/LARSyS) in Portugal.
Arminda had several management duties at her institution: school vice director and President of the scientific and pedagogical boards. Her research interests are Social Informatics, Interaction Design, Human Work Interaction Design, Creativity and Innovation, Collaborative Work, and Quality of Life Technologies. Arminda has collaborated on different research projects either in Portugal or internationally.
Tools and Techniques for Opinion Mining Proceedings Article
In: Bellucci, Andrea; Russis, Luigi De; Díaz, Paloma; Mørch, Anders I.; Fogli, Daniela; Paternò, Fabio (Ed.): Joint Proceedings of the Workshops, Work in Progress Demos and Doctoral Consortium at the IS-EUD 2023 co-located with the 9th International Symposium on End-User Development (IS-EUD 2023), Cagliari, Italy, June 6-8, 2023,, 2023.
A SWOT Analysis of Pilot Implementation Journal Article
In: Interactions, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 36–41, 2023.
Soft version of approaching artificial intelligence and humans - What do they think? Proceedings Article
In: Barricelli, Barbara Rita; Fischer, Gerhard; Fogli, Daniela; Mørch, Anders I.; Piccinno, Antonio; Valtolina, Stefano (Ed.): Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Cultures of Participation in the Digital Age: AI for Humans or Humans for AI? co-located with the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2022), Frascati, Italy, June 7, 2022, pp. 66–73,, 2022.
HCI Four Waves Within Different Interaction Design Examples Proceedings Article
In: Bhutkar, Ganesh; Barricelli, Barbara Rita; Qin, Xiangang; Clemmensen, Torkil; Gonçalves, Frederica; Abdelnour-Nocera, José L.; Lopes, Arminda; Lyu, Fei; Zhou, Ronggang; Hou, Wenjun (Ed.): Human Work Interaction Design. Artificial Intelligence and Designing for a Positive Work Experience in a Low Desire Society - 6th IFIP WG 13.6 Working Conference, HWID 2021, Beijing, China, May 15-16, 2021, Revised Selected Papers, pp. 83–98, Springer, 2021.
Pilot Implementation: Testing Human-Work Interaction Designs Proceedings Article
In: Ardito, Carmelo; Lanzilotti, Rosa; Malizia, Alessio; Petrie, Helen; Piccinno, Antonio; Desolda, Giuseppe; Inkpen, Kori (Ed.): INTERACT (5), pp. 570–574, Springer, 2021.
Navigation Based Application with Augmented Reality and Accessibility Proceedings Article
In: Bernhaupt, Regina; Mueller, Florian 'Floyd'; Verweij, David; Andres, Josh; McGrenere, Joanna; Cockburn, Andy; Avellino, Ignacio; Goguey, Alix; Bjøn, Pernille; Zhao, Shengdong; Samson, Briane Paul; Kocielnik, Rafal (Ed.): Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2020, Honolulu, HI, USA, April 25-30, 2020, pp. 1–9, ACM, 2020.
Grains of Memory: User Experience in the SandBox Interactive Installation Proceedings Article
In: Rebelo, Francisco; Soares, Marcelo M. (Ed.): AHFE (4), pp. 228–241, Springer, 2019.
User Experiences and Wellbeing at Work Proceedings Article
In: Lamas, David; Loizides, Fernando; Nacke, Lennart E.; Petrie, Helen; Winckler, Marco; Zaphiris, Panayiotis (Ed.): INTERACT (4), pp. 754–758, Springer, 2019.