Bernardo Gaeiras

Bernardo Gaeiras is a designer of artefacts and multimedia artist working at the intersection of technology, ecology and local policy. His research investigates how design methods—bridging material speculation and critical making—mediate complex socio-technical interactions, negotiating between modernity and more-than-human entities. Gaeiras holds a BA in Design and an MA in Visual Arts from the Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. He founded and directed FabLab Lisboa and later led the Mouraria Creative Hub while developing and implementing a range of local policies and initiatives to support creative industries within Lisbon’s Municipality.
At the Bauhaus of the Seas Sails, he adopts an iterative approach where in-depth research and practical prototyping continuously inform each other. His design praxis generates mediating artifacts that translate more-than-human negotiations into real-world contexts. As epistemic tools, these tangible projects embody speculative inquiry while critically engaging with ecological and policy frameworks.
Supervisor: Nuno Jardim Nunes