Carlos Pastor Garcia

Carlos Pastor Garcia is an architect and founder of the collective la cuarta piel. This interdisciplinary practice translates the extractive processes that sustain human life in cities through public programs, research projects and installations.
As a researcher at the ITI’s Bauhaus of the Seas Sails project, he is interested in stories and fables that generate attachment and ownership to territories and landscapes. A territorial intermediation exercise that facilitates communication between knowledge, species and ecosystems.
Related Projects
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In: 2020.
XX-SACREDSPACES-CA6: Patrimonio Arquitectónico Moderno, Espacios Sacros del siglo XX: Levantamiento, Valoración y Rehabilitación de la Arquitectura Moderna Journal Article
In: 2018.
Use of Applications with Georeferenced Contacts ‘Dating Apps’ to Identify Creative Areas Journal Article
In: 2018.
?` Un Levante feliz? Los planes de desarrollo turístico para El Saler y La Manga del Mar Menor a través de un estudio comparativo de sus estrategias de comunicación Journal Article
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Propuesta de plan director para el Castillo de San Fernando de Alicante: la reactivación ecológica del patrimonio defensivo como espacio público accesible Journal Article
In: 2017.