Cristina Sylla

Cristina Sylla has a PhD in Educational Technology and a Master Degree in Technology and Digital Art and a Master Degree in Literary Studies. She is a principal researcher at the Research Centre in Child Studies, University of Minho, and a collaborator of ITI/LARSyS She is the principal investigator of two funded projects: Mobeybou: Moving Beyond Boundaries – Designing Narrative Learning in the Digital Era (http://mobeybou. com) and the project Once Upon a Time: A Kit of Tools for Fostering Children’s Development of Multiliteracies, Collaboration Skills, and Intercultural Sensitivity (http://mobeybou. com). Her research interests are the conceptualization, design, and evaluation of technologically innovative tools that foster playful learning and innovative teaching approaches targeting children’s develop- ment of essential 21st-century learning and innovation skills. She has over 50 international publications in peer-reviewed international scientific indexing conferences and journals. She has chaired the International Conference on Child Computer interaction 2022 (, is part of several international networks, and integrates the scientific committee of several high ranked conferences. She is a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Child Computer Interaction (cite score 3.8).
Related Projects
INDCOR white paper on the Design of Complexity IDNs Journal Article
In: CoRR, vol. abs/2305.01925, 2023.
La construcción del posicionamiento lector en una narrativa digital interactiva. Una discusión a la luz de la teoría de las multiliteracidades Journal Article
In: Cultura, Lenguaje y Representación, vol. 30, pp. 79–106, 2023.
Meeting the Challenges of Designing Multimodal Texts to Promote Multiliteracies Pedagogy Journal Article
In: Comunicação e Sociedade, vol. 43, pp. e023008, 2023.
Smart Toys, Smart Tangibles, Robots and other Smart Things for Children Editorial Journal Article
In: International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, vol. 33, no. September, 2022.
A close look into the storytelling process: The procedural nature of interactive digital narratives as learning opportunity Journal Article
In: Entertainment Computing, vol. 41, pp. 100466, 2022.
Untangling the complexity of designing tools to support tangible and digital intercultural story telling in troubled times: a case in point Journal Article
In: Literacy, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 3–17, 2022.
M&$mathsemicolon$M - MONNOM meets MOBEYBOU Proceedings Article
In: Interaction Design and Children, ACM, 2022.
Magic and Reality: what children's drawings tell us about their perception of technology Proceedings Article
In: Interaction Design and Children, ACM, 2022.
Narrating by Doing: A Bridging Concept for Understanding and Informing the Design of Tangible Interfaces for Storytelling Journal Article
In: Interacting with Computers, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 627–640, 2021.
Smart Toys++: Exploiting the Social Connectedness for Playing and Learning Proceedings Article
In: Interaction Design and Children, pp. 678–681, ACM, New York, 2021.