Elisângela Vilar


Elisângela Brito Pessôa Vilar. Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism (UFPE-1997), MBA in Tourism and Hotel Management (UVA – 2002), with a PhD in Ergonomics and Human Factors (ULisboa – 2012) and a Post-Doc in Design (ULisboa – 2021). She is a research assistant at the Lisbon School of Architecture – ULisboa and an integrated member of the CIAUD – Research Center in Architecture, Urbanism and Design (FAULisboa). She is also a collaborating researcher at the Interactive Technologies Institute – ITI/Larsys (ULisboa). She has several articles in specialised journals, works in conference proceedings, and published book chapters. Elisângela Vilar is the author of a book on the scope of Virtual and Augmented Reality for Architecture and Design (https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/BB10-095F-8DB2) and has technical production in the area of architecture and interiors. She has already participated in European research projects and projects funded by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundations – FCT. Her work focuses on the areas of Architecture and Design, emphasising Ergonomics, User Experience, and Usability, using new technologies, particularly Virtual Reality, to study human behaviour during interaction with the built environment, products and systems. In her professional activity, she has interacted with several collaborators in the execution of projects in partnership with companies and scientific works. She has supervised master’s and doctoral theses in Interaction Design, Ergonomics, Architecture, and Design.


24 entries « 3 of 3 »


Dinis, Susana; Duarte, Emília; Noriega, Paulo; Teixeira, Luís; Vilar, Elisângela; Rebelo, Francisco

Evaluating Emotional Responses to the Interior Design of a Hospital Room: A Study Using Virtual Reality Proceedings Article

In: HCI (11), pp. 475–483, Springer, 2013.



Duarte, M. Emília C.; Vilar, Elisângela; Rebelo, Francisco; Teles, Júlia; Almeida, Ana

Some Evidences of the Impact of Environment's Design Features in Routes Selection in Virtual Environments Proceedings Article

In: HCI (13), pp. 154–163, Springer, 2011.


Vilar, Elisângela; Rebelo, Francisco; Noriega, Paulo; Teixeira, Luís

Environmental Affordances as a Way to Help in the Design of Videogame Worlds Proceedings Article

In: HCI (9), pp. 323–331, Springer, 2011.



Vilar, Elisângela; Filgueiras, Ernesto; Rebelo, Francisco

Methodology to Apply a Usability Testing by Non Specialized People: Evaluation of the European Platform "e-Exhibitions" Proceedings Article

In: HCI (17), pp. 359–367, Springer, 2007.


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