Hildegardo Noronha

Hildegardo Noronha, holds a Ph.D. in Engenharia Informática – Human-Computer Interaction, from Universidade da Madeira. He also holds a BSc and an MSc degree in the same area from the same university.
He has been researching since 2012 at Universidade da Madeira and at Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, where he has been a master-level researcher and, later, a Ph.D. candidate in the projects CEDAR and LARGESCALE. He is now a post-Doc researcher at Interactive Technologies Institute in the project eGames. His main research interests include Virtual Reality, Virtual Nature, and well-being.
He has taught Software Architecture for User Interfaces, Human Factors, and Interactive Media Design at Universidade da Madeira.
He also has experience in industrial software development. He has worked as a software developer in Android, iOS, Unity3D, and many other tools.