Jose Abdelnour Nocera

José is an affiliate Full Professor at ITI/LARSyS and Professor in Sociotechnical Design, and Head of the Sociotechnical Group for Innovation and User Experience at the University of West London. He is the current Vice Chair for IFIP TC 13 for Equity and Development and Chair for the British Computer Society Sociotechnical Specialist Group. His interests lie in the sociotechnical and cultural aspects of systems design, development and use. In pursuing these interests, he has been a researcher and consultant in several projects in the UK and overseas in mHealth, e-learning, social development, e-commerce, e-governance and enterprise resource planning systems. Prof. Abdelnour-Nocera gained an MSc in Social Psychology from Simon Bolivar University, Venezuela and a PhD in Computing from The Open University, UK.
A SWOT Analysis of Pilot Implementation Journal Article
In: Interactions, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 36–41, 2023.
Personas: New Data, New Trends Proceedings Article
In: CHI Extended Abstracts, pp. 139:1–139:3, ACM, 2022.
From Staging to Social Protagonism: Digital Transformation Within the Experimental Theater of Cali Book Section
In: Innovation Practices for Digital Transformation in the Global South, vol. 645, pp. 165–182, Springer, 2022.
Innovation Practices for Digital Transformation in the Global South - IFIP WG 13.8, 9.4, Invited Selection Book
Springer, 2022.
Sense, Feel, Design - INTERACT 2021 IFIP TC 13 Workshops, Bari, Italy, August 30 - September 3, 2021, Revised Selected Papers Proceedings
Springer, vol. 13198, 2022.
HCI Four Waves Within Different Interaction Design Examples Proceedings Article
In: Bhutkar, Ganesh; Barricelli, Barbara Rita; Qin, Xiangang; Clemmensen, Torkil; Gonçalves, Frederica; Abdelnour-Nocera, José L.; Lopes, Arminda; Lyu, Fei; Zhou, Ronggang; Hou, Wenjun (Ed.): Human Work Interaction Design. Artificial Intelligence and Designing for a Positive Work Experience in a Low Desire Society - 6th IFIP WG 13.6 Working Conference, HWID 2021, Beijing, China, May 15-16, 2021, Revised Selected Papers, pp. 83–98, Springer, 2021.
Co-designing Prototypes for User Experience and Engagement in Automation - Case Study of London-based Airport Future Workplace Proceedings Article
In: HWID, pp. 158–177, Springer, 2021.
Experiencing Contemporary Art at a Distance Proceedings Article
In: INTERACT (5), pp. 344–347, Springer, 2021.
A Systematic Review of Usefulness Design Goals of Occupational Mobile Health Apps for Healthcare Workers Proceedings Article
In: INTERACT (5), pp. 359–363, Springer, 2021.