Luisa Seixas

Luísa Metelo Seixas (Brasília, 1986) is a researcher, curator and author to several projects in a transdisciplinary approach crossing the Arts, History and Cultural Studies. Graduated in Photography by Lisbon’s School of Fine Arts (FBAUL, 2009), Master in Philosophy — Aesthetics by NOVA FCSH (2012), she is currently pursuing her PhD on Contemporary History, in the same University. Her field of study relies on the public and participatory dimensions of historical knowledge, specifically Community and Participatory heritage.
Together with Inês Castaño, she has created and coordinated creative projects focusing on public and community engagement (Soya Kutu — Oficinas Criativas (São Tomé and Príncipe, 2012 and 2013, and Novos Mapas (Lisbon, Trienal de Arquitetura 2013)).
Currently she is senior manager at ITI specifically the Bauhaus of the Seas Sails and LoGaCulture.