Mary Barreto

Mary received her PhD in Informatics Engineering in Human-Computer Interaction from the University of Madeira, where she conducted studies evaluating eco-feedback technologies for families. Before that, she pursued her Professional Masters in Human-Computer Interaction from the HCII Institute at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Madeira. She is currently Invited Assistant Professor at the University of Madeira, where she teaches Multimedia Systems, Interaction Design, Requirements Engineering and Interactive Systems and Technologies.
Her research interests include Child-Computer Interaction, Assistive Technology, Energy literacy, and Environmental sustainability. The primary goal is to adopt a user-centred approach in each project to address usability problems and lack of user empowerment and increase the user’s voice as much as possible. She has collaborated in international research projects such as SINAIS (Sustainable Interaction with Social Networks, context Awareness and Innovative Services), SMILE (Smart Islands Energy Systems), and the H2020 ongoing demonstration project.