Nuno Otero
Nuno Otero joined the University of Greenwich in 2022 as a Senior Lecturer. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from ISPA, Portugal, and a PhD from the University of Sussex, UK. He has held posts in teaching and research at INESC-ID (Portugal), University of Hertfordshire (UK), University of Minho (Portugal), and Linnaeus University (Sweden).
Nuno Otero has extensive experience working on research projects in Technology-enhanced Learning and Human-Computer Interaction. He has participated in several consortia of projects funded by the European Commission as Co-I (FP7, Horizon, Erasmus+) and projects funded by national bodies in Portugal and Sweden. His main research interests are related to Technology-Enhanced Learning and theories and conceptual frameworks in HCI. In a nutshell, the question driving his research concerns understanding how the properties of distinct devices, computational artefacts and embedded external representations impact people’s activities (from work-related activities to educational contexts).