Sónia Rafael

Sónia Rafael holds a PhD in Communication Design from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon (FBA-ULisboa), a Master’s degree in Communication, Culture, and Information Technologies from the ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon, and a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Design from FBA-ULisboa.
She currently serves as an Assistant Professor in Communication Design at FBA-ULisboa and collaborates with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon (FA-ULisboa) in the field of Interaction Design. Additionally, she is a faculty member of the PhD in Sustainability Sciences program at ULisboa. Her research interests include Communication Design, Interaction Design, UX/UI, and Multimedia.
Sónia Rafael is a professional designer and has worked as a designer, interaction designer, and creative director for national and international companies and studios.
The problem with gender-blind design and how we might begin to address it: A model for intersectional feminist ethical deliberation Proceedings Article
In: CHI Extended Abstracts, pp. 423:1–423:12, ACM, 2023.
Kub-E: An interactive design device for children with panic disorder Journal Article
In: Int. J. Child Comput. Interact., vol. 31, pp. 100423, 2022.
Bio-Centred Interaction Design: A New Paradigm for Human-System Interaction Proceedings Article
In: HCI (22), pp. 69–79, Springer, 2022.
Developing Personas in UX Process: A Case Study for a Web-Documentary to Increase Empathy Among Social Groups Proceedings Article
In: HCI (20), pp. 93–107, Springer, 2022.
Implementation Goals for Multimodal Interfaces in Human-Computer Interaction Proceedings Article
In: HCI (1), pp. 230–239, Springer, 2021.
Multimodality, Naturalness and Transparency in Affective Computing for HCI Proceedings Article
In: HCI (20), pp. 521–531, Springer, 2020.
Natural Human-Computer Interfaces' Paradigm and Cognitive Ergonomics Proceedings Article
In: AHFE (4), pp. 220–227, Springer, 2019.
A Human-Computer Interaction Framework for Interface Analysis and Design Proceedings Article
In: AHFE (4), pp. 359–369, Springer, 2019.