Vanessa Batista

Master in Applied and Environment Geology and Postgraduate in Physical Geography, Resources and Environmental Risks from University of Lisbon. Worked as a researcher in Antarctica and managed the Portuguese Education and Outreach Program for the International Polar Year (2007-2008) – LATITUDE60! Managed and developed Environment Impact Assessments studies in the private sector. Coordinated the Scientific Culture, Outreach and Programming Unit and was Project Officer for Ocean Literacy at Ciência Viva, Agência Nacional para a Cultura Científica e Tecnológica, co-managing the Ocean Literacy projects Sea for Society (FP7), Sea Change (H2020), AORA-CSA (H2020), AANChOR (H2020) and the EU4Ocean Coalition from DG-MARE.
Is the Executive Director of the Interactive Technologies Institute (LARSyS/IST) and is attending the Postgraduated studies on Culture Communication and Creative Industries of Nova University of Lisbon.