Belief Revision Applied to Neurorehabilitation Therapy 


Cognitive deficits are common after brain injury, dementia, and average cognitive decline due to ageing. These impact the performance of activities of daily living and limit people’s independence, with a high monetary and societal cost. Cognitive rehabilitation is the most effective way to address this problem. However, current rehabilitation has limitations: a) Rehabilitation tools are not adaptive and may not be adequate for every patient. A suboptimal set of exercises limits rehabilitation’s impact and reduces rehabilitation engagement. b) Interventions are time-consuming, expensive, and usually implemented in clinical environments. BRaNT is an interdisciplinary effort to create a new set of ICT for at-home rehabilitation that addresses scientific limitations of current practices and, provides solutions for the sustainability of health systems and contributes to the improvement of the quality of life of patients. 


01/01/2018 - 31/12/2021

Funding scheme

Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia 

Project reference



Universidade da Madeira (PT); Universidade Nova de Lisboa (PT)