
Cyber Security and Privacy in Fertility Technologies


CyFer examines the cybersecurity, privacy, bias and trust in female-oriented technologies (FemTech) focusing on apps and IoT devices. The CyFer project looks to build on the research team’s previous work that demonstrated how the majority of FemTech IoT devices and apps start tracking the user right after the app is open and before any user consent, and how new sensors (e.g. on IoT devices) can put users at serious risk, yet the user perception is far less than the actual risks. The CyFer project looks to achieve its aims by (1) evaluating the security and privacy of FemTech, (2) investigating user perception and practice and (3) studying socio-technical bias and trust in data, algorithms and AI systems.


01/01/2022 - 31/07/2023

Funding scheme

PETRAS National Centre of Excellence for IoT Systems Cybersecurity UK

Project reference



Maryam Mehrnezhad, RHUL UK (PI), Ehsan Toreini U Surrey (Co-I)

Project website


HCI Subfields

Critical Computing; Health; Privacy and Security; Sustainability, and Social Justice; Understanding People