RIS3 Program meeting and visit
ARDITI organized a RIS3 (https://ris3.arditi.pt/) meeting that took place at Madeira Tecnopolo, on July 10. Several members of ARDITI, ITI, UMa, and OOM attended it. The meeting was followed by visits to the institutes and the University of Madeira.
RIS3, which is about research and innovation for smart specialization strategies, is also a process of continuous collective development imposed by the European Commission, in the scope of the Cohesion Policy for 2014-2020, developing an identification, in each region, of priority regions for research and innovation community funds attribution.
RIS3 Madeira thematic areas are Tourism; Oceans Resources and Technology; Health and well-being; Agri-food quality; Sustainability, management, and infrastructure maintenance; Bio-sustainability; Energy, mobility and climate change; Information and Technology Communication.