Science in the Market 2019
The fifth edition of the Science in the Market, an event organized by ARDITI in collaboration with several regional entities, took place on November 22, between 6 and 10 pm, in the Farmers’ Market, Funchal.
This event’s main objective is to showcase Science, Technology, and Innovation of the Region, open to the public in general. Most of the entities require the public’s interaction and participation with them in order to try out some experiences/activities/tastings.
ITI/LARSyS participating researchers took two different demos, one related to the SMILE project, and required to fill in some questionnaires and the other was in the scope of the INTERAQUATICA project, which had demos related to the seas.
This year, over 20 entities participated in the fair and there were about 1500 visitors during the event.
Student volunteers are also involved in this initiative to help in the event’s coordination.
The Regional Secretary of Education visited the fair and greeted each of the entities’ participants.
Program. Pictures of the event available here and also here.
Participating Entities
- AAAM – Associação de Astrónomos Amadores da Madeira
- ams – Sensores Portugal Unipessoal, Lda
- AgroSenseLab e Divisão de Inovação Agroalimentar (InovAgro) da Direção Regional de Agricultura
- AREAM – Agência Regional da Energia e Ambiente da Região Autónoma da Madeira
- CQM – Centro de Química da Madeira (Universidade da Madeira)
- DEE – Departamento de Engenharia Eletrotécnica (Universidade da Madeira)
- DM – Departamento de Matemática (Universidade da Madeira)
- DSI – Direção de Serviços de Investigação (Direção Regional de Pescas/Secretaria Regional da Agricultura e Pescas)
- DSLIA – Direção de Serviços dos Laboratórios e Investigação Agroalimentar (Direção Regional de Agricultura)
- EBSSC – Escola Básica e Secundária de Santa Cruz
- EBMF – Estação de Biologia Marinha do Funchal (Câmara Municipal do Funchal)
- ESESJC – Escola Superior de Enfermagem S. José de Cluny
- ISOplexis-CASTA – Centro de Agricultura Sustentável e Tecnologia Alimentar
- MARE – Centro de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente
- ITI/LARSyS – Interactive Tecnhologies Institute / Laboratory of Robotics and Engineering Systems
- MBM – Museu da Baleia da Madeira
- OOM – Observatório Oceânico da Madeira
- SPUMa – Serviço de Psicologia da Universidade da Madeira
- SPAR – Sala de Projetos de Automação e Robótica (Escola Secundária Francisco Franco)
- SPEA – Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves
- Startup Madeira
- The Inventors
- UBQ II – Unidade de Bioquímica