The Admin team took over the latest ITI Talks
The latest edition of the ITI Talks series did not feature research projects. The Interactive Technologies Institute team gathered in May to hear from the admin team.
Vanessa Batista, Executive Director, opened the session to show the current status of the Institute regarding its financial strategy for the coming years. Vanessa gave an overview of our situation but also demonstrated her role in mediating the relationship between the Interactive Technologies Institute and other stakeholders.
From Madeira, we heard from the project officers Susana Nóbrega and Dina Dionísio. Both explained how researchers should proceed to book a mission to a conference successfully or to purchase essential equipment to develop a research project. These processes might seem confusing to an inexperienced researcher, but Susana and Dina shared some tips to help speed up processes and avoid delays in the research plans.
Finally, Daniel da Costa Ribeiro, Communication Manager, presented information about the communication of the Institute. He shared the communication tools he uses to communicate our research to a broader audience. He explained how researchers can be more active in the communication of the Institute.
Despite not being a typical scientific talk, the audience appreciated the clarifications by the admin team, which will help our activity run smoothly.