ITI Researchers Make Innovative Contributions to TEI’25
The International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI) is a globally recognized event at the intersection of design, technology, and human-computer interaction. Now in its 19th edition, TEI’25 will take place from March 4-7, 2025, in Bordeaux, France, bringing together researchers, designers, artists, and industry professionals to explore the latest advancements in tangible and embodied computing.
This year, researchers from the Institute of Interactive Technologies (ITI), a research unit of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), will play a significant role at TEI’25, contributing groundbreaking work that merges sustainability and tangible interaction. Their research addresses a range of topics, including immersive virtual reality experiences for exploring marine ecosystems, speculative methodologies for rethinking the human-nature relationship, and novel pedagogical approaches for the future of digital interaction.
ITI Contributions to TEI’25:
- Artefacts as Pedagogy for Futuring (Doctoral Consortium) – Anna My BertmarkEcho of the Abyss: Understanding More-than-Human Interconnectedness in the Deep Sea Through Virtual Reality Experiences – Beatrice Maggipinto (Carnegie Mellon University, University of Lisbon); Yanick Trindade (Tecnico, U. Lisboa); Jessica Hammer (Carnegie Mellon University); Nuno Jardim Nunes (Instituto Superior Técnico – U. Lisbon); Valentina Nisi (IST University of Lisbon).
- From Visual Sketching to Knotted Figurations: Fabulating in the Contact Zone – Valentina Nisi (IST University of Lisbon); Mathilde Gouin (IST University of Lisbon); Marta Galvão Ferreira (IST U. Lisbon); Nuno Jardim Nunes (Instituto Superior Técnico – U. Lisbon).
- Natureculture Probes: Opening Up Dialogues in Natural Heritage Landscapes – Anna My Bertmark (IST University of Lisbon); Mathilde Gouin (IST University of Lisbon); Nuno Jardim Nunes (Instituto Superior Técnico – U. Lisbon); David E. Millard (University of Southampton); Pedro Ferreira (Instituto Superior Técnico); Vera Karina Gebhardt Fearns (Instituto Superior Técnico); Marta Galvão Ferreira (IST U. Lisbon); Valentina Nisi (IST University of Lisbon).
- Still Life Ecologies: Co-creating the Representation of Plants – Catarina Reis (Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lisbon, LARSYS – University of Lisbon); Mónica Mendes (Faculdade de Belas-Artes, Universidade de Lisboa).
- The Entangled Tales That Landscapes Tell: An Embodied HCI Pedagogy for Re-enchanted Nature Walks – Pedro Ferreira (Instituto Superior Técnico); Marta Galvão Ferreira (IST U. Lisbon); Teresa Maritza Gouveia da Silva (Instituto Superior Técnico – U. Lisbon); Nuno Jardim Nunes (IST University of Lisbon); Valentina Nisi (IST University of Lisbon).
TEI’25 fosters in-depth discussions while promoting sustainable practices. This year’s program will highlight key themes such as sustainability in interaction design, research reproducibility, and the impact of tangible technologies on the future. The contributions from ITI researchers align with this vision, reinforcing their role at the forefront of innovation in tangible interaction.

Anna Bertmark
PhD student