Rafaela Timóteo
Rafaela Timóteo took her Master’s in Computer and Science Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico, specializing in Artificial Intelligence and Human-Computer Interaction. In the context of her Master’s thesis, she created an augmented reality interface with Microsoft’s HoloLens 2 for planning breast reconstruction surgeries using DIEAPs at the Breast Unit, Champalimaud Foundation.
In 2022, after completing her Master’s degree, Rafaela began her PhD at the University of Lisbon’s Medical School, performing research at the Digital Surgery Lab, Champalimaud Foundation, with the mission of continuing to contribute to the evolution of augmented reality, artificial intelligence and computer graphics technologies in the intra-operative context of surgeries within the scope of breast cancer treatment.
Skin deformation analysis for pre-operative planning of DIEAP flap reconstruction surgery Journal Article
In: Medical Engineering & Physics, vol. 119, pp. 104025, 2023, ISSN: 1350-4533.