Valentina Nisi

Valentina Nisi is a tenured Associate Professor in Design Thinking at IST, U. of Lisbon (Portugal), Adjunct Faculty at the HCI Institute Carnegie Mellon University (USA) and founding researcher at the Interactive Technologies Institute (ITI LARSyS). Her research encompasses Interactive Digital Storytelling, Gaming, and HCI, bringing awareness and care to pressing social and environmental issues. Spanning from Fine Arts, to Design and HCI, Valentina’s background contributes to an interdisciplinary view on sustainability and climate change issues combining a Research-through- Design approach with post-humanistic concerns. Her most recent funded research Project deal with the participation and preservation of various forms of heritage through storytelling and gaming.
Related Projects
Towards Critical Heritage in the wild: Analysing Discomfort through Collaborative Autoethnography Proceedings Article
In: Schmidt, Albrecht; Väänänen, Kaisa; Goyal, Tesh; Kristensson, Per Ola; Peters, Anicia; Mueller, Stefanie; Williamson, Julie R.; Wilson, Max L. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2023, Hamburg, Germany, April 23-28, 2023, pp. 771:1–771:19, ACM, 2023.
HCI for Climate Change: Imagining Sustainable Futures Proceedings Article
In: Schmidt, Albrecht; Väänänen, Kaisa; Goyal, Tesh; Kristensson, Per Ola; Peters, Anicia (Ed.): Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI EA 2023, Hamburg, Germany, April 23-28, 2023, pp. 352:1–352:6, ACM, 2023.
Augmenting Emerging Hospitality Services: A Playful Immersive Experience to Foster Interactions among Locals and Visitors Journal Article
In: Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interact., vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 363–377, 2023.
Lessons Learned on Engaging Teenage Visitors in Museums with Story-Based and Game-Based Strategies Journal Article
In: ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 1–20, 2023.
Exploring proximity-based recommendation criteria as a tool for information exchange and interactions between locals and tourists Journal Article
In: Multim. Tools Appl., vol. 82, no. 4, pp. 5229–5252, 2023.
"Periodic Fable Discovery" Using Tangible Interactions and Augmented Reality to Promote STEM Subjects Proceedings Article
In: TEI, pp. 33:1–33:15, ACM, 2023.
INDCOR white paper on the Design of Complexity IDNs Journal Article
In: CoRR, vol. abs/2305.01925, 2023.
Periodic Fable Augmenting Chemistry with Technology, Characters and Storytelling Proceedings Article
In: Interaction Design and Children, ACM, 2022.
Hitting the Triple Bottom Line: Widening the HCI Approach to Sustainability Proceedings Article
In: Barbosa, Simone D. J.; Lampe, Cliff; Appert, Caroline; Shamma, David A.; Drucker, Steven Mark; Williamson, Julie R.; Yatani, Koji (Ed.): CHI '22: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New Orleans, LA, USA, 29 April 2022 - 5 May 2022, pp. 332:1–332:19, ACM, 2022.
Designing with teenagers: A teenage perspective on enhancing mobile museum experiences Journal Article
In: Int. J. Child Comput. Interact., vol. 33, pp. 100454, 2022.