Game Art and Gender Equity


The project intends to portray the evolution of female participation in the Portuguese gaming industry, providing a comprehensive assessment of the gaps and challenges of gender equity in this professional field. GAGE project aims to promote diversity, changing values and behaviours through inclusive practices that encourage the participation of women in this economic and cultural sector. Thus, a critique of games is proposed to mirror a binary society (M/F) where men have a preponderance in the created and developed narratives. After collecting and analysing data from empirical research, we will use animations and games to raise awareness of gender issues in this sector. In Portugal, the digital games industry has been consolidating. Operating companies are estimated to employ between 986 and 1270 workers and generate annual revenues of approximately 31 million euros (Romeiro et al., 2020). In a decade, there has been a significant increase in the offer of specific training in the area (Lima & Gouveia, 2020). Events related to digital games have emerged: game jams, game development camps and conferences. There is a strong masculinisation of the workforce and a greater presence of men in higher education associated with technological areas, from which most of the human resources in the industry come (Pinto, Lima & Gouveia, 2021).


04/02/2021 - 03/02/2024


Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lisbon; Department of Arts and Design, University of Évora; University of Porto

Project website


HCI Subfields

Games and Play