Innovative Tools for Cyber-Physical Energy Systems
The principal goal of the InnoCyPES ITN is to provide world-leading and transferable scientific training to a new generation of 15 high-achieving early-stage researchers (ESRs). During their training, they will study, investigate, and improve various facets of digitalized and interconnected energy systems. Supervised by a consortium of prominent and experienced academic institutions, research institutes, and industrial partners, they will collaboratively develop a cutting-edge system management platform that covers the entire lifecycle of data for energy system planning, operation, and maintenance based on an understanding of the energy system as a cyber-physical system. ESR 4, Lunodzo Justine Mwinuka, is enrolled at Instituto Superior Técnico’s Electrical and Computer Engineering doctoral program. Lunodzo’s hosting institution is the University of Salento in Italy. In Portugal, Lunozo is supervised by Dr. Lucas Pereira and Prof. Hugo Morais. In Italy, he is supervised by Prof. Massimo Cafaro and Prof. Italo Epicoco. During his project, Lunodzo will develop a distributed data storage tool for multiple data sources using peer-to-peer networks to prevent a single point of failure. One of the key requirements for the tool is to accommodate complex and distributed queries to ensure that data integration and fusion are made easy with maintained data accuracy, consistency, and security.Start/End
01/06/2021 - 31/05/2025
Funding scheme
Horizon Europe – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
Project reference
Grant Agreement ID: 956433
Project website