We are co-organising MedCHI 2024
The call for papers is open until January 14, 2024.
Professor Valentina Nisi, a member of the Interactive Technologies Institute, is part of the organising committee behind the Inaugural Workshop of the ACM-SIGCHI Mediterranean Committee (MedCHI).
We are excited to announce the first public gathering of the newly established ACM-SIGCHI Mediterranean Committee (MedCHI) coinciding with the SIGCHI Futures Summit. This workshop marks the beginning of MedCHI’s journey, an initiative promoted by ACM SIGCHI aiming to unite and inspire HCI professionals and enthusiasts across the Mediterranean.

Researchers and practitioners from the Mediterranean regions are warmly invited to contribute to this seminal event. We seek submissions that showcase your unique research, projects, and initiatives in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).
We encourage contributions that reflect the rich values of the Mediterranean region, including but not limited to Cultural Heritage, Culture, Food, Tourism, Engagements with local user communities. We also welcome submissions that align with the broader theme of fostering collaboration across diverse communities to strengthen HCI research and practice in the Mediterranean. Your contributions can range from academic research to industry initiatives, including:
- Innovative best practices
- Highlights of successful events
- Impactful academic or industry collaborations
- Educational activities, like summer schools and courses
- Demonstrations of innovative technologies
This event is not just a meeting point but a starting point for meaningful connections and collaborative endeavors in the Mediterranean HCI community. We look forward to discovering your contributions and collectively shaping the future of HCI in the Mediterranean. We encourage contributions from all, young researchers and senior experts alike, as long as they represent the vibrancy and diversity of HCI work in the Mediterranean region.
Submission Guidelines and Process
- Submissions should be a reflection or manifesto AND a poster.
- Use the EasyChair platform for submission.
- Upon selection, participants are required to deliver a concise 5-minute presentation summarising their work and engage in a traditional poster session, with interactive discussions with the “SIGCHI Futures Summit” participants.
- Remote participation will be allowed, but we solicit authors to plan to attend the workshop physically.
- Utilize the ACM Master Article Submission Template or opt for a free format for the reflection or manifesto. Maximum length: 2000 words.
- The poster should be in A1 format.
- Your submission should:
- Describe your HCI-related contribution (purpose, inspirations, successes/failures, strengths/limitations).
- Explain your interest in the workshop.
- Detail how your unique positionality, experience, or background can enrich the MedCHI community.
Supplementary Material (Optional)
- Create a promotional video (max 5 minutes) to showcase your work and contribution to MedCHI. These videos will be featured on the workshop website for pre- and during-event engagement.
Important Dates
- January 14, 2024, AOE: Deadline for Submissions
- January 21, 2024: Notification of Acceptance
- February 12, 2024: Deadline for Submission of Presentation Slides
- February 14, 2024: Workshop held at Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
Selection Criteria
We aim to represent a broad spectrum of practices, materials, backgrounds, and concerns. Therefore, submissions will be selected based on quality, relevance, and diversity.
Participation Requirements
Upon acceptance, at least one author of each paper must attend the workshop (either in person or virtually).
- Workshop outcomes will be shared via our website
- Selected and revised contributions will be considered for a special issue to be published in the IxD&A journal in Winter 2024.
- George Caridakis (gcari@aegean.gr)
- Joel Lanir (ylanir@is.haifa.ac.il)
- Laura Makary (laurasmakary@gmail.com)
- Maristella Matera (maristella.matera@polimi.it)
- Houda El Mimouni (helmimo@iu.edu)
- Valentina Nisi (valentina.nisi@tecnico.ulisboa.pt)
- Giuliana Vitiello (gvitiello@unisa.it)