Macaronight 2020 – European Researchers’ Night

The European Researchers’ Night is being celebrated on Friday, November 27, this year. The University of Madeira and ARDITI are organizing this event fully online, for the first time, due to COVID-19.
The new format includes online videos, conferences, activities, virtual visits, and more, of the different research units available here. Some of the involved entities are schools, the University of Madeira, the Oceanic Observatory of Madeira, the Natural History Museum of Funchal, Startup Madeira, among others. The initiative will have live streaming of demos and talks, also available on the same website, from 9:30 am to 19:30 pm.
Several ITI/LARSyS researchers have sent videos for the event. Check them out here.

Program (in Portuguese)

9h30 – 10h00  Sessão de Abertura

10h00 – 10h20 Conferência I: A potencialidade de macroalgas marinhas como fonte de compostos bioactivos – Nuno Nunes (ISOPlexis – Centro em Agricultura Sustentável e Tecnologia Alimentar – UMa)

10h20 – 10h35 Atividade de Divulgação 1 : ROVs e outras tecnologias marinhas – Carlos Lucas e João Belo (Observatório Oceânico da Madeira – ARDITI)

10h35 – 10h55 Conferência II: Criação de uma praia artificial e respetivas infraestruturas necessárias à sua boa execução. Aplicação ao Município de Machico – Sérgio Lousada (Departamento Engenharia Civil e Geologia – UMa)

10h55 – 11h10 Atividade de Divulgação 2: Lixo marinho – Investigação e Sensibilização –  Sara Bettencourt e Soledad Álvarez (MARE – Centro de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente – ARDITI)

11h10 – 11h30 Conferência III: O papel dos morcegos como controladores de pragas agrícolas em Madagáscar e na Madeira – Ricardo Rocha (ARDITI)

11h30 – 11h45 Atividade de Divulgação 3: Experiências para os mais novos – Dayana Aguiar e João Leça (ISOPlexis – Centro em Agricultura Sustentável e Tecnologia Alimentar  – UMa)

11h45 – 12h05 Conferência IV: Startup Madeira > Da ideia ao negócio… – Micaela Vieira (SartUP Madeira )

12h05 – 12h20 Atividade de Divulgação 4: Vamos construir um parque eólico; Cenário de Aprendizagem das áreas STEAM –  Elsa Fernandes, Cristina Lopes, Sónia Abreu, Sónia Martins (Departamento de Matemática – UMa)

12h20 – 12h40 Conferência V: Mariscos da Madeira – Manuel Biscoito (Estação de Biologia Marinha do Funchal – Câmara Municipal do Funchal )

12h40 – 12h55 Atividade de Divulgação 5: Experiências no âmbito da Eletrónica e Telecomunicações  – Luís Gomes (Departamento de Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicações – UMa)

13h00 – 14h30 Exibição de vídeos sobre a Investigação e Inovação na Madeira

14h30 – 14h50 Conferência VI: AGEO – Plataforma Atlântica para a Gestão do Risco Geológico  – Fátima Gouveia (Departamento Engenharia Civil e Geologia – UMa)

14h50 – 15h05 Atividade de Divulgação 6: Demonstração de impressão 3D, demonstração de projeto em desenvolvimento de robô futebolista – Jorge Monteiro (Escola Secundária Francisco Franco)

15h05 – 15h25 Conferência VII: Efeitos da poluição luminosa sobre as aves marinhas – Cátia Gouveia  (Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves – SPEA)

15h25 – 15h40 Atividade de Divulgação 7: O Papel da AGROSENSELAB (Câmara de Provadores) na valorização dos produtos Agroalimentares da RAM – Zita Vasconcelos  (AgroSenseLab)

15h40 – 16h00 Conferência VIII:  Na linha da Frente: Investigar para cuidar – Isabel Fragoeiro e João Pedro Silva (Escola Superior de Saúde – UMa)

16h00 – 16h15 Atividade de Divulgação 8: Projetos de Mecatrónica – Paulo Gomes e Sandro Silva (Curso EFA – Técnico de Mecatrónica. Escola Básica e Secundária de Santa Cruz)

16h15 – 16h35 Conferência IX: Os nematodes na agricultura – Fátima Rocha (Laboratório de Qualidade Agrícola)

16h35 – 16h50 Atividade de Divulgação 9: ANÁLISES AGRÍCOLAS – As Análises Agrícolas no apoio a agricultura da RAM – Miguel Franquinho e Duarte Sardinha (Laboratório de Qualidade Agrícola)

16h50 – 17h10 Conferência X: Lixo Espacial – Laurindo Sobrinho (Grupo de Astronomia da Universidade da Madeira – GAUMa)

17h10 – 17h25 Atividade de Divulgação 10: Equipamentos didático-científicos na área das estruturas de Engenharia Civil – José Santos (Departamento Engenharia Civil e Geologia – UMa)

17h25 – 17h45 Conferência XI: Investigação no Centro de Maricultura da Calheta – Ricardo José (Centro de Maricultura da Calheta – DSIMar)

17h45 – 18h00 Atividade de Divulgação 11: INOVAGRO – No seu papel para desenvolver ações planificadas de criação de inovação na produção agrícola e agroalimentar da RAM – Natália Silva (Inovagro – Divisão de Inovação Agroalimentar)

18h00 – 18h20 Conferência XII : Estudo sobre o Impacto emocional do confinamento nos estudantes de enfermagem portugueses e espanhóis – Tânia Lourenço (Escola Superior de Enfermagem São José de Cluny)

18h20 – 18h35 Atividade de Divulgação 12: Hortas da Varanda – Gonçalo Antunes (ISOPlexis – Centro em Agricultura Sustentável e Tecnologia Alimentar – UMa)

18h35 – 18h55 Conferência XIII: O Museu de História Natural do Funchal e o conhecimento científico – Ricardo Araújo (Museu de História Natural do Funchal – Câmara Municipal do Funchal)

18h55 – 19h10 Atividade de Divulgação 13: O coração da Internet – Filipe Freitas (Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão – UMa)

19h10 – 19h30 Conferência XIV: Análise Teórico-prática do Risco de Cheias no Arquipélago da Madeira – O caso de estudo dos concelhos do Funchal, Machico, Ribeira Brava e São Vicente – Leonardo Gonçalves (Departamento Engenharia Civil e Geologia – UMa)

19h30 Encerramento

Madeira Safe App – interview with Pedro Teixeira

Pedro Teixeira is leading the engineering team for the development of the Madeira Safe app.

He has a degree in Software Engineering from IST and has specialized in distributed systems and networking protocols. Pedro is the author and contributor of some famous open-source projects and packages and has also been the writer of 10 books around the subject of Node.js and systems architecture.

How did you become involved in the Madeira Safe App?

At the end of April this year, I was invited to lead the engineering team for the development of the AppCovidMadeira application, a project funded by FCT under the RESEARCH4COVID fund and led by IASaúde. I gladly accepted the invitation, hoping to be able to do something to help during the COVID-19 pandemic. In May, together with the researchers in this project, the engineering team started the specification and development of an application to help monitor and guide COVID patients during their isolation.

What is the engineering team’s purpose?

The engineering team is responsible for the development and maintenance of the Traveler Support System developed for the Regional Government of Madeira and IASaúde for the operationalization of the sanitary barrier in the region’s airport, as well as, monitoring travelers during their stay in Madeira, not only during the probation period but also after it. This team is also responsible for the development of the Madeira Safe to Discover App for the Madeira Promotion Bureau.

A few days after the start of this project, we were presented with a new challenge. The local government had decided that, in replacement for the mandatory 14 days of isolation, to mandate that incoming travelers take the COVID test before being able to enter the archipelago. Since the local government had no information system capable of serving the travelers and the health authorities, I was asked to lead the development team in this urgent effort to create this infrastructure.

Meanwhile, I was also in touch with the research team of the Maré project. This project, led by professor Nuno Nunes and also funded by FCT, consists of the design and implementation of a mobile application that facilitates the day-to-day planning for citizens during this pandemic. Based on a distributed system of sensors, this application allows a worried citizen or traveler to consult the influx of people to certain public places, as well as, based on anonymous information, calculate an estimate of the risk of their own exposure, thus helping to modulate their behavior.

The two projects are in some way related to each other. How was this managed?

The Madeira Regional Government decided to join the development of the two projects so that they could work in an articulated way. The traveler support system commissioned by the local health authorities would be complemented by the adaptation of the Maré project to the Madeira archipelago. A protocol was signed where the two systems, although different and operated by different entities, would be integrated at different levels: at the communication strategy but also, more importantly, allowed the traveler to have a continuous and integrated experience during their stay.

The Maré application, which already allowed day-to-day planning through detailed information on the influx of people to certain public places by the hour and day of the week, would be complemented with the possibility for travelers to receive points when carrying out certain actions within the application, such as: bringing a certified COVID-19 test before the trip, activating notifications in the application, submitting epidemiological surveys and others. These actions are encouraged and awarded with points, which can be used to book experiences during your stay.

When is the Madeira Safe app being launched?

At this moment the application is in it’s finishing stage. Once it gets launched, this application will be downloadable by anyone on their Android or Apple phone. During their stay, the traveler will be able to access a map of the region where several points of interest throughout the region are identified. The user will also be able to respond to epidemiological inquiries, as well as convert his points into experiences to be enjoyed in the region.

Can Madeira residents use this app as well?

Madeiran citizens, if interested, will also be able to anonymously use the planning functionality of this application, which alone can be very useful in the day-to-day planning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What about in terms of user’s privacy?

With the exception of health data (which are managed by IASaúde in its segregated information system), the Madeira Safe to Discover application will be managed by the Madeira Promotion Association in a way that promotes user privacy. From an early stage in this project, it was chosen to separate the two systems: IASaúde and its professionals use its information system with travelers’ personal data, while the Madeira Safe to Discover application only manages information regarding accumulated points and experiences to be enjoyed without accessing personal data. In this way, users’ privacy is promoted, while at the same time promoting and encouraging responsible and cooperative behavior.

TEDx GreenwichUniversity Talk by Nuno Correia

TEDx was created in the spirit of TED’s mission, “ideas worth spreading.” It supports independent organizers who want to create a TED-like event in their own community.  This talk was presented to a local audience at TEDxGreenwichUniversity, an independent event.

Prof. Nuno Correia presented the topic “The Multisensory Gap: Towards Audiovisual Design.”

Since 2000, Prof. Nuno N. Correia has been teaching and conducting research in media art and design, in various universities. Nuno’s work has been presented in more than 20 countries, in such festivals and venues as ACM Multimedia – Interactive Arts (Scottsdale), Electro-Mechanica (St. Petersburg), FILE (São Paulo), ISEA (Istanbul), Le Cube (Paris), Mapping (Geneva), NAME (Lille), Optronica / British Film Institute (London), PixelAche / Kiasma (Helsinki) and SXSW (Austin).

Watch the talk





MARE project: a platform to help returning to normality without disregarding the right to anonymity

The MARÉ project was one of the selected projects by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the scope of the 2nd edition of the call “RESEARCH 4 COVID-19.” It will have 40 thousand euros in financing and be developed in three months.

Involved in this project are the Interactive Technologies Institute (ITI/LARSyS), the Institute of Systems and Computers Engineering – Research and Development (INESC-ID), the Institute of Public Health of the University of Porto (ISPUP), and the Institute of Madeira Health Administration who will collaborate to test the first version of the platform.

Led by Professor Nuno Jardim Nunes, the project “Maré – Mobilização Anónima de Regresso à normalidade para mitigar a Epidemia de COVID-19″ [Anonymous mobilization of the return to normality to mitigate the COVID-19 epidemic], focuses on supporting the return to normality in times of pandemic, keeping into account the citizens’ security and privacy matters. More importantly,  citizens should be able to use technology to return to “normal”, knowing that they can trust in it and that it won’t compromise their security.

Keeping these in mind, the project’s team has developed a platform for tracking people digitally, which can be used to respond to the various problems generated by the pandemic, but that at the same time will guarantee the anonymity of the citizen.

Nuno Jardim Nunes, Professor at Técnico, ITI/LARSyS researcher and project leader explained that “as specialists in human factors, we are well aware of the challenges of technology adoption, as well as concerns about privacy, security, and convenience for citizens. The COVID-19 crisis is almost a perfect example of what we call a “wicked” design problem.” It was important to manage the return to normality, knowing “that people are scared, afraid and COVID-19 implies changes in our daily lives” and, therefore, it is important to “understand how to help technologically change behavior in a sustainable way.”  To solve this challenge, the project’s team decided to invert the most common solution, and instead of “asking how technology can help doctors and authorities, we asked how technology can help citizens to return to normality in a safe and reliable way. We put the citizen and not the authorities at the center of the problem .”

The research team will use modern technologies for developing applications in Flutter and Dart for the development of the platform. Also, they will find contact detection solutions that are not intrusive or involve sharing user data, for example, using WiFi.

Other dynamics may be incorporated in the platform, namely the voluntary involvement of selected groups of users who will help answer questions posed by doctors, duly approved by an ethics committee since the project has a perspective of citizen science. “The idea of Maré is to serve as a platform for tests located in specific communities and not be a general and universal solution,” added professor Nuno Jardim Nunes.

Although the first prototype had already been developed on a voluntary basis, there are some important features that required additional support, which was made possible with the FCT funding. These features would be the gamification models of the platform, which may include, for example, the creation of incentives through prizes and rewards to promote behavioral change. “We want Maré to be, within three months, an open and available experimentation platform for civil and scientific communities to be able to use, and not only in the context of COVID-19,” Professor Nuno explained.

The project was already tested despite its short life: “we have already given the platform to the Regional Government of Madeira to adapt it to support the opening of tourism in the Islands,” Professor Nuno continued. “We are available to do it free of charge with other communities and with a view to helping to return to normality and mitigate the economic impacts of the crisis.”

The research team is composed of a multidisciplinary team, which involves Designers, Computer Engineers, Psychologists, and Public Health Doctors. Professor Nunes explained that “design is important since it allows us to find the right problem because often Engineering moves towards a solution without questioning whether it is trying to solve the right problem.” On the other hand, Doctors and Psychologists will “contribute indirectly, and from a citizen science perspective, to help better understand relevant public health issues.”

Professor Nuno Nunes sees the pandemic as “an opportunity to create quick interdisciplinary responses” and says that he is “involved in two other projects and they are unexpected collaborations even within Técnico that would probably never have happened had it not been for COVID-19.” He is grateful for FCT’s support in designing this solution that does not forget important values for citizens, who should not be segregated into the background by the fear generated by the pandemic.

*This article includes citations from this article published by IST.

Project accepted for “Research 4 COVID-19” funding

FCT announced the results of the call “RESEARCH 4 COVID-19,” which is a national extra funding of 1.8M€ to answer to the COVID-19 pandemic, recently created in collaboration with the Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation (AICIB).

The proposals submitted by ITI researchers for this call had been announced before at

Of those, one was approved for funding, which was “AppCovidMadeira” with a budget of circa 30K€. This project’s coordinator is Bruna Gouveia (ITI/LARSyS) that will count on the participation of ITI researchers Élvio Gouveia, Frederica Gonçalves, Pedro Campos, and Nuno Nunes that are part of the team of 13 elements.

“AppCovidMadeira” aims to develop an Android/iOS application as a means of facilitating communication and monitoring of patients by health authorities. It will be developed by ITI/LARSyS members in partnership with the Institute of Health Administration, IP-RAM; RAM Health Service; Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Gerontology and Vulnerability, University of Geneva; IST; Faculty of Human Motricity and Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon.

The project will allow having streamlined communication and the monitorization of COVID-19 patients; grant access to more information about patients in real-time, regarding symptoms, vital signs, and psychological status; development of a database with longitudinal information, with a view to characterizing and prospecting the disease; activity plans for motor and cognitive stimulation; and providing an additional communication resource with specific recommendations.

Overall, FCT received 302 applications, of which 284 were admitted for evaluation. The Evaluation Committee proposed 66 projects for funding, distributed as follows: 24 projects (36% of the total) for diagnosis, 11 projects (17%) for clinical and epidemiological studies, 14 projects (21%) for prevention, 6 projects (9%) for therapy and 11 projects (17%) in other areas. The list of supported projects can be found here.

In the media

Newspaper article published in Diário de Notícias da Madeira on April 23 –

Madeira COVID-19 platform

A team of researchers from the Interactive Technologies Institute (ITI/LARSyS), a research unit of the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) partially managed by ARDITI – Regional Agency for the Development of Research, Technology, and Innovation, led by Prof. Nuno Nunes, Full Professor at IST and President of ITI, collaborated in the development of a public information visualization platform for COVID-19 in the Autonomous Region of Madeira (RAM). The disclosure of information related to the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus requires the application of responsible techniques that allow the sharing of credible and contextualized information to the population, in particular because we are facing an exponential growth phenomenon that can be misinterpreted.

The ITI/LARSyS team, which has the technical development of researchers Miguel Ribeiro (encoding) and Marta Ferreira (design), worked together with technicians from the Regional Secretary of Health and the Civil Protection to adapt the information to the needs and geography of the RAM.

This work also involved the development of a decision support system that integrates models for predicting the mobility of local and foreign citizens, made available by NOS, and also risk models that are being developed by teams from the Faculty of Sciences and Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon.

The project is expected to continue to support not only during the mitigation phase of COVID-19 but also when going back to normal after the peak of the epidemic is over.

The expectation is that the information provided by the research teams will allow not only health and safety authorities to make informed decisions, in a context of great uncertainty and very rapid evolution, but also to keep the population informed and aware that behavior change is the biggest weapon to overcome this period.

The platform can be accessed via the link

In the media

Published in Funchal Notícias, on April 17, 2020:

Published in RTP Madeira, on April 17, 2020:

ITI Researchers submit proposals for “Research 4 COVID-19” FCT funding

FCT, in collaboration with the Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation, has recently opened a call for proposals Research 4 COVID-19 with the purpose to fund short R&D projects and initiatives, for a period of up to three months, and a budget limit of 30K€, to assist immediately the National Service of Health, Health Care institutions, develop prevention tools and ongoing initiatives.

The call, which deadline was April 5, was meant mainly to complement ongoing initiatives and to support the reorientation of existing teams.

ITI/LARSyS researchers submitted three different proposals through ARDITI which were 1) “Plataforma Web-interativa: Toolbox Estudante Universitário – SOS Saúde Psicológica” by Luísa Soares, 2) “AppCovidMadeira” whose coordinator is Bruna Gouveia, and finally 3) “Design for Covid” by Frederica Gonçalves.

1) “Plataforma Web-interativa: Toolbox Estudante Universitário – SOS Saúde Psicológica”  is project proposal coordinated by Luísa Soares. It is aimed at university students in Portugal and aims to prevent and promote mental health, helping to create a more resilient community, capable of overcoming adversity. Through the use of a web-interactive platform, psychoeducational content and exercise plans will be made available, empirically supported, in terms of mental health. The project is based on a pilot version, developed and tested in 2018-2020.

2) “AppCovidMadeira” aims to develop an Android/iOS application as a means of facilitating communication and monitoring of patients by health authorities. It will be developed by ITI / LARSyS members in partnership with the Institute of Health Administration, IP-RAM; RAM Health Service; Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Gerontology and Vulnerability, University of Geneva; IST; Faculty of Human Motricity and Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon. The team is composed of 13 elements, of which 5 are ITI members, Bruna Gouveia, Élvio Gouveia, Frederica Gonçalves, Pedro Campos, and Nuno Nunes. The project will allow having streamlined communication and monitorization of COVID-19 patients; access to more information about patients in real-time, regarding symptoms, vital signs, and psychological status; development of a database with longitudinal information, with a view to characterizing and prospecting the disease;  activity plans for motor and cognitive stimulation, and providing an additional communication resource with specific recommendations.

3) The project “Design for COVID 19”  also has a team consisting of 13 elements, 6 of them being from ITI/LARSyS – Frederica Gonçalves, Bruna Gouveia, Élvio Gouveia, Pedro Campos, Shujoy Chakraborty, and Nuno Nunes. The proposal, to be developed in partnership with UMa, IASAÚDE, IP-RAM, and SESARAM, focuses on the creation of open and freely accessible 3D models, tested and validated by a medical team, which can subsequently be patented maintaining open access and free code.

Successfully funded projects to be announced soon by FCT.

The President of ITI / LARSyS awarded 2.5 million euros in European funding

Nuno Nunes, president of ITI / LARSyS and Full Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico, and Rodrigo Rodrigues (IST / INESC-ID) have recently obtained a 2.5 million euros funding for a project that combines digital technologies with major societal challenges.

The BIG project – Blockchain technologies and design Innovation for social Good – is a European Research Area Chair (ERA CHAIR) project, funded by the European Commission, under the Horizon 2020 program, as part of the Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation (Widening) included in the European Union Framework Program. The research project will be carried out during the next 5 years. This funding is very coveted among researchers, and hard to attain.

It will allow the project leaders to form an interdisciplinary team dedicated to top research on topics that combine the technological opportunities of blockchain, innovation through design and the development of new solutions for the societal challenges that are imposed.

Blockchain technologies make it possible to establish a transaction record in a highly reliable and completely distributed manner, without the need to rely on a central entity to maintain that same record. Due to the scope of application, the European Union considers these technologies to be key to the future since they enable the emergence of transparent, reliable, user-centered digital services and the promotion of social innovations as well as new business models with a higher level decentralization. Gathering the innumerable potentialities of this technology, BIG intends to improve and apply them in several domains such as health, energy, digital citizenship, transport, or the creative industries.

Nuno Nunes is experienced in leading such projects since in 2014 he has led an ERA CHAIR, the first delivered to national projects. Nuno explained that he is more concerned with how a potentially disruptive technology can be applied to solve concrete problems with social impact, while Rodrigo is the specialist in cloud technology, stressing how much disruptive and useful blockchain technology can be to solve various societal challenges.

When it comes to blockchain, it is being used in different areas nowadays, although its application tends to be associated only with the financial area. “For example, in the creative industries this technology is used to protect authors’ rights or in global distribution chains to ensure that producers in less developed countries are properly paid,” says the ITI / LARSyS researcher.

Rodrigues exemplified one of the applications of the blockchain technologies “even now WHO (the World Health Organization) has just launched a blockchain to try to help data sharing and its reliability in managing the pandemic. It is a good example of how this distributed technology can be used to manage a global phenomenon in which the data that belong to patients can (and should) be shared by everyone.”

BIG is also a project that aims to bridge the business ecosystem, involving countless companies in it, including several that were created around the CMU Portugal partnership and Nuno highlighted the openness for more industrial partners to join the project.

One of the project’s goals is “to foster an innovation ecosystem that brings together universities, companies, and a generation of highly innovative new technological startups, among which are several companies classified as unicorns that supported the proposal of this ERA CHAIR” says Professor Rodrigo.

Nuno and Rodrigo, besides being both Professors of the Informatics Engineering Department at IST, they are also co-directors of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal international partnership, which will facilitate the project alignment.

Overall, Portuguese researchers raised 34 million euros with 22 projects approved in the Twinning and ERA CHAIRs applications under the Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation (Widening) program. For Nuno Nunes, these figures reflect the merit and innovation that guides national research. “Portugal has consistently been one of the countries that have best known how to take advantage of the opportunities of H2020. This year I think that 9/20 (almost 50%) of the funded proposals came from Portugal, which is a source of pride for everyone and of great vitality in our scientific system,” says Nuno. “Research and science in Portugal have achieved impressive results, especially considering that the budgets of our universities and research centers are significantly lower than those of the institutions with which we compete directly,” points out, in turn, Professor Rodrigo Miragaia Rodrigues.

This article used citations from this article.

Science and Technology in the fight against COVID-19

Researchers from the Interactive Technologies Institute adapted a face shield 3D model for medical use in the region and are printing them using 3D printers.
The structure of the original model available online was modified by the researchers to allow 180-degree lateral protection, from ear to ear.

Several entities are involved in this process, some are contributing with filament (plastic), acetate and elastics. With a 3D printing network distributed on the island, the prediction is to supply at least 200 pieces in the coming days. In addition to the 16 3D printers provided by the Regional Secretary of Education, Science and Technology this initiative also has other printers made available by a large number of companies, schools, universities, and individuals.

This initiative involves researchers from ITI / LARSyS and Professors from the University of Madeira, as well as resources from Madeira Tecnopolo, Startup Madeira, the Regional Secretary of Education, Publinsular, Wow! Systems, and other individuals.

The new adjusted model of face shields, made by the researchers and approved by SESARAM is available at

ITI / LARSyS presence at CHI 2020

This year, ITI affiliated researchers are once again participating in CHI 2020 with two full papers and one alt.CHI paper. Overall, the number of papers accepted from Portugal is eight, which is more than many other European countries. Portugal is ranked 21 out of 45 participating countries and is positioned on the 8th place among the European countries.

List of works accepted:

– Paper: “Teenage Visitor Experience: Classification of Behavioral Dynamics in Museums” authored by Vanessa Cesário, Daniela Petrelli, Valentina Nisi;
– Paper: “‘Human, All Too Human’: NOAA Weather Radio and the Emotional Impact of Synthetic Voices” by Kristen Scott, Simone Ashby, and Julian Hanna;
– Alt.CHI: “Low Power Web: Legacy Design and the Path to Sustainable Net Futures” by Max WillisJulian Hanna, Enrique Encinas, and James Auger;
– LBW: “Navigation Based Application with Augmented Reality and Accessibility” by Sebastião Rocha and Arminda Guerra Lopes;
– Paper: Self-powered Users, “Free” Energy Harvesting and Interaction-powered Devices: a Hybrid Vision for Improved Sustainability by José Luís Silva – participation in the Workshop SelfSustainableCHI: Self-Powered Sustainable Interfaces and Interactions.

CHI 2020 will be taking place in Honolulu, Hawaii on April 25-30.

List of the number of publications by EU country. Source: CHI 2020 Data and Statistics.

Rank EU Country No. of Publications
1 Germany 84
2 Denmark 27
3 France 26
4 Sweden 26
5 Finland 19
6 Netherlands 19
7 Austria 8
8 Portugal 8
9 Italy 7
10 Belgium 5
11 Czech Rep 2
12 Greece 2
13 Poland 1
14 Romania 1
15 Spain 1

Full list of the number of publications by country below. Source: CHI 2020 Data and Statistics.

Country No. of Publications
United States 388
United Kingdom 113
Germany 84
Canada 83
China 47
Australia 45
Republic Of Korea 29
Denmark 27
France 26
Sweden 26
Japan 25
Finland 19
Netherlands 19
Switzerland 16
Ireland 10
New Zealand 10
Singapore 10
Taiwan Roc 10
India 9
Austria 8
Portugal 8
Italy 7
Belgium 5
Israel 5
Norway 5
Pakistan 4
Czech Republic 2
Egypt 2
Greece 2
Jamaica 2
Kenya 2
Qatar 2
Bhutan 1
Brazil 1
Colombia 1
Ghana 1
Iran 1
Ivory Coast 1
Poland 1
Romania 1
Saudi Arabia 1
Spain 1
Thailand 1
Turkey 1