DCitizens at LARSyS new seminar series
The DCitizens coordinator and Interactive Technologies Institute researcher Hugo Nicolau will present the project to the Associate Laboratory of Robotics and Engineering Systems (LARSyS) members on May 24 at 15h. The seminar series is kicking off to discuss DCitizens and similar research opportunities in Twinning EU calls.
The LARSyS seminar and DCitizens aim to foster collaboration between the four research units that make it up. The seminar session will also feature a representative from the Instituto Superior Técnico’s Pre-Award department to further assist researchers with important application guidelines based on the successful example of DCitizens.
When: May 24 2023, 15h to 16h30
Where: Room 01.1, Centro de Congressos, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal
15h00 DCitizens presentation by Hugo Nicolau
15h20 Funding opportunities by Marta Candeias of the IST Pre-Award network (20 min)
15h40 Coffee Break
15h55 Discussion moderated by Diana Neves